4 Signs of Toilet Bowl Choke

4 Signs of Toilet Bowl Choke

It's almost impossible to live without a functioning toilet bowl in Singapore, and for those of us unfortunate enough to experience a toilet bowl blockage in our lifetime, it's hard to forget the agony and frustration that ensue. A toilet bowl blockage is one of the worst things that could happen to your bathroom; it causes a right stink and could take ages to fix, often requiring truly unpleasant means. This is why it's important to be able to identify early signs and fix those issues before your toilet bowl becomes even more difficult to unblock. Here are some signs to look out for.

Learn more: What is a Toilet Valve and why is it Important 


Overflowing or Full Toilet Bowl

Overflowing or Full Toilet Bowl Toilet flush systems

If you notice your toilet bowl in Singapore filling up after every flush, or if there are small pools of water accumulating under the toilet bowl lid, or a steady stream of running water even when the toilet bowl is not in use, you could be looking at a clogged toilet bowl. It's worth noting, however, that a clogged toilet bowl doesn't always equate to a broken one - more often than not, it could simply be that the internal components are in the wrong position, or that there's a small clog that is causing the overflowing. Also, foreign objects collected below, such as toys, could also be behind the clogging. Additionally, contrary to what many people believe is the best solution, do not repeatedly overwhelm a choked toilet bowl by abusing its toilet flush system as it will only worsen the situation. If you're experiencing this, we recommend contacting a professional plumber that will ultimately save time and unnecessary headaches.


Slow Draining Toilet

Slow Draining Toilet Toilet flush systems

One of the most notable signs of a choked toilet bowl is that it takes a long time to drain, or if there's only a miniscule drop in water level after the toilet flush system has been used. This is due to the vacuum effect caused by a choked drain. Both symptoms point to a choked toilet bowl, and calls for the services of a professional plumber. Before it gets to that point, however, one early warning sign to pay close attention to is whether your toilet bowl has a constant flush rate; if not, you might want to get it checked as well.


Foul Odours

Foul Odours Toilet bowl Singapore

It's never a good sign when there are foul odours emitting from sinks or your toilet bowl in Singapore, as it is a clear indicator that your toilet bowl's S or P-trap - depending on your toilet bowl design - drains are probably blocked. This causes sewer waste to accumulate and produce gases that are subsequently emitted through vent pipes and fixtures, causing the foul odours. Not that those odours shouldn't already be enough to prompt you to seek professional help, the thought of having to put up with that AND a choked toilet is definitely not something any sane person should want to tolerate.


Gurgling Sounds

Gurgling Sounds Toilet bowl Singapore

You're probably aware that a gurgling sound coming from your toilet bowl in Singapore and other water drain fixtures isn't a normal occurrence; but did you know that it could be an indication of a choked drain? This is because a blocked drain affects the air to liquid ratio, which interferes with the smooth flow of the sewer material and causes sewer gases to escape through vents and water seals, which is ultimately what causes the aforementioned gurgling noises. The next time you hear these sounds, don't put off getting help, as it could save you from having to deal with a more complex issue.

Besides being able to identify early signs, it's just as important to equip yourself with a reliable toilet - one that comes with a modern toilet bowl design and toilet flush system that keeps your toilet running smoothly for the years to come. Flush your worries down the drain with TOTO's innovative and sleek toilet bowls. For more information about our products, please visit our website.