5 Ways to Update Your Bathroom Decor

Modern bathrooms are more than just a functional space for you to relieve or clean yourself; in a world where comfort is increasingly valued and desired, many modern bathroom designs are tailored to meet that need. One of the most crucial elements of a well-designed bathroom are its bathroom accessories. Individually, these accessories may not seem like much, but when you combine pieces here and there, they can all add up to lift your bathroom and breathe life into it. If you're looking to upgrade your bathroom aesthetics, here are some helpful ways to do so.


Use Patterned Wallpaper

Use Patterned Wallpaper-Bathroom accessories in singapore

When it comes to bathroom accessories in Singapore, wallpapers are often perceived to be old-fashioned, but they don't have to be; the right wallpaper design can instead help modernise your bathroom. These include wallpapers with blocked colours or geometric patterns. Floral wallpaper may sometimes be misunderstood as outdated, but they can definitely complement cottage-style bathrooms. Similarly, striped wallpapers are a great choice for coastal bathrooms. If you have concerns about bold wallpapers overwhelming your bathroom, consider installing it halfway up your wall instead.


Utilise Vertical Space

Utilise Vertical Space Bathroom accessories in singapore

Given how most bathrooms in an average Singaporean home tend to be small, it's important to utilise every available space given. The bathroom's vertical space is extremely valuable yet often underutilised. Instead of overcrowding your bathroom with bathroom accessories like hefty cabinets or closets, consider using tall but thin bathroom cabinets or ladder bookcases that can hold all your bathroom essentials stylishly without taking up all your space.


Embrace Minimalism

Embrace Minimalism bathroom accessories in Singapore

If you're not a fan of splurging on numerous pieces of bathroom accessories in Singapore, then going the other way and opting for a minimalist approach could do the trick for you. In fact, minimalism is a wonderful design theme for bathrooms as it generally makes any space look larger, sleeker, and cleaner. For instance, handing a simple vanity mirror or installing an unconventional sink to highlight your space with modern fixtures. Here at TOTO, we offer a wide range of clean and sleek bathroom accessories designed to give your bathroom that clean and sleek sense of style whilst serving different essential functions.


Use a Towel Ladder

Use a Towel Ladder bathroom accessories in Singapore

Compared to conventional bathroom accessories like wall-mounted towel hooks, consider using a towel ladder instead. Not only does it better utilise vertical space, it can also hold more towels and linens and doesn't require installation. Towel ladders are also available in various colours and can suit different bathroom aesthetics.


Introduce Plants to Your Bathroom

Introduce Plants to Your Bathroom bathroom accessories in Singapore

One of the positives of the COVID-19 pandemic is that more people are buying and raising plants at home as a source of joy and a great way to spruce up their homes. The same can also be said for the bathroom - both real and artificial plants can transform even the dullest bathroom into something beautiful. The best part about having plants in the bathroom is that they also complement other bathroom accessories well.

Elevate your bathroom decor to the next level with TOTO's catalogue of simple but elegant bathroom accessories. For more information about our products, please visit our website.